Thursday, April 19, 2007

Coming a Long Way

We had our largest fundraising event yet last night where we raised more money in a single event than ever before. The theatre was packed.

We invited some students from the Bronx Ghetto Film School who filled up the first two rows. They had helped us test screen an early rough cut of the film and it was great to invite them to see the final product. When I re-entered the theatre as the credits started to roll, I heard the tough Bronx teenagers sniffling and saw them wiping their eyes. When I met them almost a year ago, their only reference to Cambodia came from the Dave Chappelle Show.

I took questions and made an appeal for donations to support the outreach campaign. I felt very confident about the ask, mainly from new coaching I had gotten from public speaking coach Jeremy Nash ( I came into my first meeting with him thinking that I would get coached on where to put my hands and how to speak eloquently. But Jeremy taught me that it's less important what you say than who you're being in that moment. Allowing my true self to shine through is what allows you to connect with people. That's what makes people magnetic. Jeremy was a kind, compassionate and generous coach. After one session with him, I don't think I will go into any meeting with the same old "tools" again.