Saturday, February 24, 2007


We just said goodbye yesterday to our last guest from the Cambodia tour.

It was amazing what a strong bond we created in the past ten days.

On Friday Feb. 16th, Charles, his parents Rich & Marcia and our guest Ron Ardres were in a vehicle accident on a dirt road from Koh Ker to Preah Vihear. They were in an SUV when the driver lost control in a fish tail situation. The vehicle left the road and rolled over twice. It came to a rest down a small rise, on it's side and facing the direction from which it came.

Only Charles was wearing a seat belt and walked away from the accident. He was hit on the head by the collapsing roof but no bleeding. He then directed a valiant evacuation operation. The others were badly hurt and at the time, we did not know what kind of internal injuries they suffered.

We were traveling in a 6 vehicle convoy. Thank goodness we had both Dr. KG Bennet and M.D. Kenway Louie on the trip. They responded to the injured right away. One guest described the response as “superhero”. I think it is an apt description. There was no cell reception there so we could not call for help. The doctors assessed that all four of the more seriously injured could be driven to Siem Reap about 3 hours away. Thirty minutes later, after KG’s second examination of Marcia, he & Charles created a spine support for her out of bush wood and clothing.

Charles’s parents suffered spine and head trauma. That evening they were evacuated to a Bangkok hospital.

While Charles, KG, James (Charles’s brother), Amy (James’ long time partner) and I were at the hospital, the rest of our guests convened at the Hanumanalaya.

Later they told us that at dinner, though there was plenty of space at 4 tables, all thirteen crowded around a single table for eight. They couldn’t bear to be separated that night.

While Rich & Marcia are in pain, all doctors agree to expect a full recovery in time. Ron hurt his foot and prefers to treat it himself. Charles of course keeps ticking. James & Amy are still in Bangkok with Rich & Marcia.

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